ASNY Craft Factory Badge Pin Custom Manufacture Factory Year-End Banquet and Celebration 2023

On January 8, 2024, ASNY Craft Factory hosted a grand year-end banquet and party, marking a perfect conclusion to the past year and ushering in the new one. The evening commenced in a warm atmosphere as the entire staff came together to celebrate the achievements of the past year and anticipate a brighter future.



The banquet began with a delightful feast shared by all, as everyone gathered around banquet tables, indulging in delicious food and laughter. The banquet hall was filled with a strong sense of friendship and unity, setting the stage for the climax of the evening.


Mr. Balang, the Chairman of the company, delivered an inspiring speech expressing gratitude for the accomplishments of the past year and heartfelt appreciation for the hard work of all employees. He extended his wishes for a more prosperous and successful new year. Each employee found a special gift and a red scarf at their seat, symbolizing the company's care and blessings, adding warmth and emotion to the entire event.



Throughout the evening, company colleagues showcased their individual talents with captivating performances, including singing, dancing, and creative games, filling the venue with laughter and joy. Outstanding employees were recognized and honored during the celebration for their exceptional contributions.


The Chairman announced that 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the company's factory, promising even more celebratory events. This joyful and moving night was not just a farewell to the past but also an expression of hope for the future. We look forward to reuniting at the 20th-anniversary celebration in 2024, collectively witnessing the company's greater achievements!



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