Standard Embossed Soft Enamel

High-Temperature Baking | Lasting Gloss | Precise Coloring

Standard embossed soft enamel is a widely used color application process for metal surfaces. This technique involves selecting metals such as bronze, copper, iron, or zinc alloy and precisely stamping or injection molding them into shape. Semi-finished products are polished and electroplated to exhibit various metallic lusters. Initially, pigments were manually injected during the coloring phase, but the process has evolved with modern technology into a fully automated coloring system, ensuring uniform and precise color application. After mold scanning, machines automatically color the products, which are then baked at 160 degrees Celsius, curing the pigment layer to ensure strong adhesion and durability. Standard embossed soft enamel provides lasting vibrant colors and sharp line definition, making it extensively used in creating various badges and signage.
